this weekend, i graduate from seminary. i am growing up and moving on, in many ways, by staying where i am. i am not changing addresses. i am not finding new job (yet). i even still have to take classes until the end of 2009.
the biggest change: realizing i want to be an artist.
to the rest of the world, this may not come as a shock. i was an art major in college. i have a BFA. i enjoy painting with kids. i carry colored pencils in my purse more often than i carry lip gloss. but, i always just thought it was who i was--not something i did, especially not to make a living.
but as i grow, one of the major things i have learned in seminary is that i want to make a living doing things that i believe in, and love. and if that is the case, art will always be a part of making a living.
i keep running into emotions around the changes that are happening that i do not expect. fear is the biggest. i am afraid i cannot make money making art. i am afraid i will fail before i even try. this fear is so palpable, i am fighting to keep it from tying me down, paralyzing me, and restricting me from even trying.
and so i will try. this is step one. i am moving my blog over to, which will also include an online portfolio, and links to an shop that is under construction.
this is an experiment in a life of minstry, service and art. can I integrate the parts of myself into a creative life that serves the world? simple as it sounds, this is the sincere question that will drive this experiement in my life. the least i can do is try.
and fyi... is still underconstruction. by the end of the week, i hope to have the kinks worked out and an shop up and running. we shall see.