Sunday, September 23, 2007

dating the Bible

Okay, so I haven't dated in years... I don't really know how to do it. There is this whole process of invitation, flirting, and getting intimate that I no longer understand. I mean, I did it once, but it seems so long ago in some ways that I don't remember the how. I remember the dating, but I don't remember the how. Right about now, it would be helpful. Why?...well, I want to date the Bible. It is sad for a seminarian, I know, but I am not comfortable with it. We have not reached the point in our relationship where we are all snugly and cozy. I discovered this in the library with a friend, as I was procrastinating. I was avoiding writing my sermon by avoiding reading the text and commentaries and such.... simply because the Bible and I are still in the awkward stage. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't always been that way. It has been an on again off again relationship for years. We have been really close by choice and by circumstance, but there have been times that I have put distance between, and I am to blame. My friend pointed out that we were not snugly. I crave that kind of relationship with the Bible where we are cuddle and be fulfilled... a level of intimacy where I can recognize all the baggage I bring to the relationship, but yet leave it out of the equation. How do I get there? I am working on it but I am open to suggestions...


Nick Larson said...

First, Welcome to the world of blogging. I hope that you enjoy it as much as Bruce does (and that's saying something!)

Second, I totally understand where you are coming from in this whole thing. Sometimes I feel all awkward and stupid around the bible and other times it feels so familiar.

Maybe it has a lot to do with the social context of each date? It seems to me that it matters how much/little we show off our date. There's a huge difference with dressing her (or him) up for a night on the town and snuggling in to enjoy a cup of coffee.

I hope that talking about your dates can make things in your relationship all the more meaningful.

Heather W. Reichgott said...

Have some very long conversations and get to know each other, and try not to have the Relationship Talk until you've been getting to know each other for a couple months at least :)

Glad you're at MBCC, it is a wonderful place.

Reyes-Chow said...

Great to see you here as well. Hopefully the blogging "requirement" will be something meaningful! And good luck on the whole "dating" thing.