Sunday, September 30, 2007


Beautifully and wonderfully made. It is easy for me to believe this when I am experiencing God's creation to the fullest... diving into a cold lake with the texture of the water on my skin, the light in my eyes and the instant silence when I break the surface. But what about when my body doesn't work? As I lay on the couch with a migraine, my head throbbing, my eyes trying to shut out the light, and my stomach rolling with nausea, I have trouble remembering all of the ways that God made my body work well. When my body betrays me like that I have to look hard to find find God. I have to remind myself that God made a body that can heal, ridding itself of pain and poisons. How can something made in God's image so quickly turn against itself? Creation is complex, as are my feelings about it. The faith I bring to it must be equally complex.

For the most part, I am lucky. My body is wonderfully made. It works well for me most of the time, and when it doesn't modern medicine, or time, can usually fix the problem without much trouble. Right now I find myself faced with needing to put my faith in God's creation in a new way. My dad is recovering from a major surgery. He had a blockage in a vascular artery, most likely caused by a lifetime of smoking. He has quit smoking and is fighting hard to heal. I am far away, and cannot be there to support him. All I can do is pray, and put my faith in the strength of God's creation--that God created his body to heal. To make it past this. That the perfection of God's creation of the human body will triumph over the damage we can do to ourselves. It is beyond my understanding, and beyond anything I can do. All I can have is faith.

1 comment:

hat said...

well said, friend.