Sunday, January 4, 2009

blog drought

post my attempt at blogging daily (i went 18/24), i was feeling written out. trying to write daily was harder for me than i thought. making time for God daily was harder than i thought (and i thought it was hard), but trying to helped me to figure out how to integrate that time into my day. praying during the commute, looking for the voice of God around me, finding joy in worship, etc.

yet it has been over a week since i have posted. i am re-adjusting to being at home in california, preparing for greek intensive for the next three weeks, and making a good attempt at not working much over those same three weeks. and so the blog slid to the background. as i try to get back into the swing, bear with me. for the time being, i present my recent adventures in liturgical art. first advent...
and my current in process project. communion table dressing for a series on the word of God inspired, lived and proclaimed...


Anonymous said...

You rock my socks

Abby said...

AMAZING!!! So glad you posted pictures.