Sunday, April 13, 2008

what is church for?

"the church is not the place for questions. it is the place for answers."... bri

"how do you get the answers without asking the questions?"... lynnette

"church is not a place for answers, it is place for questions."... the reverend

desperate housewives used to be a pithier social commentary than i have found it to be in the last couple of seasons. i thought the first season was brilliant. so i was surprised to see last week that they wanted to take on some serious theological questions last week.

as with many crazy dramatic television shows, lots has gone on this season. lynnette got cancer, almost cheated on her husband (after quitting her job to open a restaurant with him) and then the town was hit with a tornado. lynnette begins to have some serious, serious questions about how the universe works. so, she decides to go to church.

she starts with the presbyterians, and lots of drama later, she and her friend bri, the committed presbyterian, come to an understanding about faith. rather than shutting down lynnette's questions, bri comes around, and thanks lynnette for reminding her that questions strengthen faith rather than threaten it.

is church the place for questions? is it the place to bring our deepest, soul crushing concerns about the universe? i certainly think it should be, but have we created that? how do we build an atmosphere in which this kind of wrestling with reality is possible?

1 comment:

A. Y. Siu said...

I think it really depends on the person. For some, church is a place for questions. For others, it's a place for answers. For still others, it's a place for both answers and questions.

Frankly, I've never found too many satisfying answers at church, but it has caused me to ask a lot of good questions of God and myself.