Wednesday, June 25, 2008

“Presbyterian is a glorious adjective and an idolatrous noun.”

... dude from the national council of churches.

today began the whole assembly business meetings since the committees did their work. i am impressed that over and over, the committees seemed to be working very, very hard at compromising and working through disagreements in love, rather than clinging to needing to be right. There is must more trust in the body than i expected, and much more humility and selfless devotion to the good of the community (in a good way).

rev. brc was up there banging his gavel and trying to do his best to follow robert's rules (in jeans... AMEN!).

i have mixed feelings about robert's rules. the system keeps us mostly decently and in order, but restricts who can be heard and who can listen. if you are not familiar with the system, the discussion can be hard to follow. technology is supposed to help that, by posting information on large screens and online. but, the way that the that can actually work in the world is not so smooth. i am frustrated that, even though i am a seminarian and so should educated in some of this, even i have trouble following the meetings. can this be more accessible (and likely then more relevant) to the rest of the world?

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