Thursday, June 26, 2008

worshipping with the whole body...

... means you don't always feel like you are truly worshipping.

as a seminarian, i find myself over-analyzing often, unable to let go and just be in the presence of my community. today was one of those days.

the praise team from one of the local churches was singing a contemporary song about our heart and our desire being to see all the nations in worship... there was a specific reference to "every race upon this earth" in one of the verses. and yet, the worship team was all white... in a room and a denomination that is not. this inconsistency... can i perhaps even say implicit racism... really broke my heart, especially with such a moving sermon about micah 6:8 and the cal to humility.

1 comment:

hat said...

I've loved hearing/reading about your experience during GA. What a wonderful way to share in community, not to mention a great way to process such a transformative experience!