Is it possible for artwork like this to serve as proclamation in the church? Does art in church only draw attention to itself and not to God?
These are some of the issues that I am struggling with as I try to integrate my understanding of what it means to be an artist with what it means to be a pastor...
This is well-intentioned anxiety that is also unfounded. Many earnest Christians do not push talents to their full potential, worrying that the attention somehow is taken away from God, but we are supposed to give our best to God, including our art and music.
Remember that Jesus did not just go around proclaiming his kingdom. He made a special point of attending weddings and making sure there was enough booze for the guests ("wasted" a miracle on this even) and spent time with children and talking with people. I'm sure he did his fair share of carpentry that was artistic as well.
Show off your talents, Abby. That's why God gave them to you!
i second a.y.siu and I would ask is preaching and singing not the oral form of your visual art? Why would your art be any different than these two forms that are to most churches essential for worship to happen.
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