Sunday, March 9, 2008

jesus is just alright

remember that doobie brothers song? it is not complex...

jesus is just alright
i don't care what they say,
i don't care what they do,
i don't care what they may say,
jesus is just alright, oh yeah

that is the gist.

well, i remember when i was about eight, riding with my dad. this song came on the radio (we always listened to classic rock) and my dad asked what i thought of it, that they were singing about jesus. i said i wasn't sure, maybe jesus shouldn't be on the radio (i think i thought you could only talk about jesus at church). my dad asked if i knew what the words were... so i listened. jesus is just alright. what a minute... there is nothing wrong with a song that says jesus is my friend, right?

my dad pushed me to think for myself to never just give an answer that i hadn't thought through. he also showed me that it is okay to change my mind, to be wrong. and in that moment, he also showed me that faith and culture should and can be fluid. faith is not restricted to church.

the joy of being a daughter.

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