Sunday, December 30, 2007

blah, blah, blah

When I write, I kinda assume that it goes out to cyberspace, never to be seen again. I get awfully excited when someone comments, some how validating that this whole blogging thing is not simply a self-indulgent practice. And spending time with folks at home, I was surprised to find more folks and friends who are reading what I write. Hmmmm.

I am a part of many communities of language. There is of course the seminary community, where certain words are privileged, and we learn lots of words that make us sound smart to everyone else... if for no other reason that they are really long words, that we don't always know the meaning of. There is the church community, my church at home and the Mission Bay community, where the same words can mean different things when used by different people in different places. There is my family, where I can be loud and obnoxious, if for no other reason that being heard above the rest of the noise, and they tend to forgive me for it. There is the language of my friends, that my parents said they never understood, mostly for its speed. I am part of a language community in the Midwest, and one in California too.

This can make communicating very exhausting, and sometimes I wonder if I am good at conversation at all.

I was confronted with this when my dad asked my what I meant by my use of the word/concept of privilege in reference to myself in my blog. I am so used to throwing that concept around in seminary that I couldn't even remember talking about it. As we talked about what I said and what I meant, our generational differences and their impact on our use of language became very apparent, as did the other communities of language my dad is a part of and I am not--law, insurance, finance, etc. I was reminded of the power of words, and my inability to wield that power well. So, I ask for generosity on the part of anyone who reads this.... and all I write. Hold me to a high standard, call me out, question me, and remind me of what I am saying. But, keep in mind that I sit here typing away, often generally ignorant about the world ( I am just in my first quarter century--how much can i really know?).

So comment on this here blog and on anything else you see or hear coming from me. If you can't comment on blogspot or don't know how, shoot me an email... Help me learn how to converse and not just talk to a wall.

1 comment:

Reyes-Chow said...

Abby - Good stuff as always. I think one of the difficulties is finding a good balance between wanted to just have a place to muse and pontificate, but also hoping to engage folks in some kind of thought and interaction. Basically the question, "Who is this blog for?" The answer as a pastoral blog, I believe, is "for God" through the writing, the reading and/or the interaction. Might be a good idea to add a widget like so you can see who does ready your blog as not everyone leave comments.