Thursday, May 15, 2008

hallelujah! i have some reading to do

despite the heat, it is a day to party in san francisco.

the california supreme court just overturned a state law that banned same-sex marriage, saying that constitutionally, all couples have the right to marry.

within thirty days, gay and lesbian couples will be able to MARRY in california.

thank God.

within minutes, the entire decision was available online (it is over one hundred pages... gotta love technology) and i want to read it. i have made it through three pages.

this puts the church in california in an interesting position, and puts clergy in an even more interesting position. PCUSA says you can't marry a same-sex couple. you could do another ceremony not approximating marriage, but no marriage. this was less of an issue when all that was available was domestic partnership. will the clergy who believe in same sex marriage step up? can they really bring charges against everyone if hundreds of marriages happen?

and then there is the question of ordination. if it is now possible to live in fidelity in marriage, can the church hold its ground in excluding the GLBTQ community from ministry?

i hope and i pray that this is only the beginning and that we see changes in other states and within in the church.


Anonymous said...

Best news of the year.

Pray for me. I am launching more seriously into this work outside of education in Indiana (of all places)

lukemwills said...

Good insights! And yes, it was a day to party!

With love from a formerly frozen chosen...well, I'm more or less frozen again.