Sunday, May 11, 2008

still an intern

"i will pour my spirit out on all people."

happy pentecost.

big fan of the holy spirit that i am, i love pentecost. so, of course, i volunteered to do something to pentecostalize that mission bay worship space.

i set off with the best of intentions. i gathered translations of the phrase above (from acts and joel) into as many as man languages as i could find. i purchased yards of orange, red and maroon fabric, and lettered the phrase onto the fabric. i had visions of draping, translucent fabric fluttering above our heads as we sang and prayed.

the road to hell is paved with good intentions. thank god poorly hung fabric is not an offense that gets you sent there (is it?). kidding.

i get to church early, to find that i can't quite reach as high as i had hoped from our tallest ladder, so where i can hang fabric from is limited. then i discovered that much of the lettering wasn't readable. so i fussed with it for more than an hour, mostly stopping because the band was ready to practice. not particularly happy with it, but deciding to live with it i moved on.

as worship began i discovered that i made a bit of a mistake. the way i had hung the fabric, if you were sitting on the sides of our semi-circle, the screen (where we project corporate prayers and song lyrics) was not entirely visible. doh.

today's intern lesson was in humility.

i hope the holy spirit didn't notice and used my fabric mess to move through worship somehow.


BAK said...

Is pentacostalize a word?

abbykk said...

no but if george w. bush has taught me anything, it is that anything can be a word.

lukemwills said...

I bet it still looked fabulous! Pentecost is pretty much my fave holiday.