Wednesday, May 21, 2008

you know you are an artist when...

you see your work permanently tatooed on someone's foot.

i get a lot of flack for not accepting my "authority" as an artist and a minister. well, folks, today i accepted authority. i woke up, made a drawing, took it to a shop, and said, "here, put this on her foot. forever." if that is not exercising artistic authority, i don't know what is.

my dear friend kelly, whose foot is in the picture, seemed happy to have a committee to give her opinions. she has no idea how in awe i was as i watch this drawing permanently added to her figure... and my awe at her trust to surrender her body tot he art of another. it was and is daunting. and yet thrilling. my work is in the world. my work is meaningful. this is what i will carry with me this summer as i continue to explore how to exist as artist and minister at the same time.

happy graduation kelly. you will be dearly missed by your family in oakland.

in the words of cartman... respect my authori-ta!


Reyes-Chow said...

Now THAT is some serious pressure. Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That made me get all teary. I want to be you when I grow up.

lindseyann said...

That is a beautiful, beautiful image, Abby! Can I be next?? :-)